motor Honda Supra X 125'2006

Rp. 4,80 jt
Location : Jakarta D.K.I.
Date : 25 October 2010

Jual : HONDA SUPRA X 125 Thn 2006
Tanggal: 25/10/2010 12:03:56
Condition: Antik
Harga: Rp. 4.800.000 Bisa Nego
Oleh: sitiaminah
Lokasi: jakarta,Jakarta D. K.I.

maaf y gan,fotonya di ambil malam hari,itu juga pakai hape teman
motor jual cepat dengan kondisi motor gress 98%.
pjk( B-Tgr  cibodas) pjk mati 3. thn
berminat dtng ke tempat kerja di
lokasi di jl. raya bugis no.123 ( GROSIR VOUCHER BROMO CELL ) di tunggu smpai jm 7 mlm
tlp 021-996 444 33

mohon maaf saya tidak akan melayani  yg tidak serius.

English Translation »

Honda Supra X 125'2006

Price : Rp. 4.80 mil.
Item :
Seller :Contact : Jakarta D.K.I..

For Sale: HONDA SUPRA X 125 Thn 2006
Date: 25/10/2010 12:03:56
Condition: Antique
Price: Rp. Can 4.8 million Nego
By: sitiaminah
Location: Jakarta, Jakarta, D. KI

gan y sorry, take his picture at night, it was also used hape friends
selling motor speed with motor condition gress 98%.
CHD (B-TGR Cibodas) CHD death 3.
dtng yr interested to work in
locations in jl. bugis highway no.123 (WHOLESALE VOUCHER BROMO CELL) at the waiting smpai jm 7 mlm phone 021-996444

I apologize for not going to serve who are not serious.

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