motor Jual Tiger 97 Modif

Rp. 7,50 jt
Location : Jakarta D.K.I.
Date : 23 November 2010

Jual : jual tiger 97 modif
Tanggal: 23/11/2010 13:38:57
Condition: Bekas
Harga: Rp. 7.500.000 Bisa Nego
Oleh: arnold_ronald
Lokasi: jakarta,Jakarta D. K.I.

agan2 numpang jualan nih,kali aja agan ada yang minat.
langsung aja ane mau jualin tiger punya temen tahun 97 udah dimodif
1. Pelek ring 17 depan belakang + ban udah gede
2. Cakram belakang
3. Tangki baru
4. STNK + BPKB ada
5. Mesin kering
6. Body belakang udah dipotong dikit
MINAT CALL/SMS : 021 90299651
LOKASI Disekitar ROXI.

English Translation »

Sell Tiger 1997Modif

Price : Rp. 7.50 mil.
Item :
Seller :Contact : Jakarta D.K.I..

Sell: sell tiger 19 modif
Date: 23/11/2010 13:38:57
Condition: Used
Price: Rp. Can 7.5 million Nego
By: arnold_ronald
Location: Jakarta, Jakarta, D. KI

agan2 selling ya ride, this time there is an interest aja agan.
Immediately wrote ane jualin tiger would have a friend in 19've dimodif
1. Ring front 17 rear rim + tires already big
2. Rear disc
3. New tank
4. Existing vehicle registration + BPKB
5. Machine dry
6. Body've cut back a little
INTERESTED CALL / SMS: 021 90299651

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